2015-08-12 10:53:41 +00:00
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
2015-08-31 22:25:10 +00:00
#include "mbed.h"
2015-09-11 15:39:38 +00:00
#include "MicroBit.h"
2015-08-12 10:53:41 +00:00
* Internal constructor helper.
* Configures this ManagedString to refer to the static EmptyString
void ManagedString::initEmpty()
data = ManagedString::EmptyString.data;
ref = ManagedString::EmptyString.ref;
len = ManagedString::EmptyString.len;
* Internal constructor helper.
* creates this ManagedString based on a given null terminated char array.
void ManagedString::initString(const char *str)
// Initialise this ManagedString as a new string, using the data provided.
// We assume the string is sane, and null terminated.
len = strlen(str);
data = (char *) malloc(len+1);
memcpy(data, str, len+1);
ref = (int16_t *) malloc(sizeof(int16_t));
*ref = 1;
* Constructor.
* Create a managed string from a given integer.
* @param value The integer from which to create the ManagedString
* Example:
* @code
* ManagedString s(20);
* @endcode
ManagedString::ManagedString(const int value)
char str[12];
itoa(value, str);
* Constructor.
* Create a managed string from a given char.
* @param value The char from which to create the ManagedString
* Example:
* @code
* ManagedString s('a');
* @endcode
ManagedString::ManagedString(const char value)
char str[2] = {value, 0};
* Constructor.
* Create a managed string from a pointer to an 8-bit character buffer.
* The buffer is copied to ensure sane memory management (the supplied
* character buffer may be decalred on the stack for instance).
* @param str The character array on which to base the new ManagedString.
ManagedString::ManagedString(const char *str)
// Sanity check. Return EmptyString for anything distasteful
if ((str == NULL || *str == 0) && this != &ManagedString::EmptyString)
ManagedString::ManagedString(const ManagedString &s1, const ManagedString &s2)
// Calculate length of new string.
len = s1.len + s2.len;
// Create a new buffer for holding the new string data.
data = (char *) malloc(len+1);
// Enter the data, and terminate the string.
memcpy(data, s1.data, s1.len);
memcpy(data + s1.len, s2.data, s2.len);
data[len] = 0;
// Initialise the ref count and we're done.
ref = (int16_t *) malloc(sizeof(int16_t));
*ref = 1;
* Constructor.
* Create a managed string from a pointer to an 8-bit character buffer of a given length.
* The buffer is copied to ensure sane memory management (the supplied
* character buffer may be declared on the stack for instance).
* @param str The character array on which to base the new ManagedString.
* @param length The length of the character array
* Example:
* @code
* ManagedString s("abcdefg",7); // this is generally used for substring... why not use a normal char * constructor?
* @endcode
ManagedString::ManagedString(const char *str, const int16_t length)
// Sanity check. Return EmptyString for anything distasteful
if (str == NULL || *str == 0 || length > strlen(str))
// Store the length of the new string
len = length;
// Allocate a new buffer, and create a NULL terminated string.
data = (char *) malloc(len+1);
memcpy(data, str, len);
data[len] = 0;
// Initialize a refcount and we're done.
ref = (int16_t *) malloc(sizeof(int16_t));
*ref = 1;
* Copy constructor.
* Makes a new ManagedString identical to the one supplied.
* Shares the character buffer and reference count with the supplied ManagedString.
* @param s The ManagedString to copy.
* Example:
* @code
* ManagedString s("abcdefg");
* ManagedString p(s);
* @endcode
ManagedString::ManagedString(const ManagedString &s)
data = s.data;
ref = s.ref;
len = s.len;
* Default constructor.
* Create an empty ManagedString.
* Example:
* @code
* ManagedString s();
* @endcode
* Destructor.
* Free this ManagedString, and decrement the reference count to the
* internal character buffer. If we're holding the last reference,
* also free the character buffer and reference counter.
if(--(*ref) == 0)
* Copy assign operation.
* Called when one ManagedString is assigned the value of another.
* If the ManagedString being assigned is already refering to a character buffer,
* decrement the reference count and free up the buffer as necessary.
* Then, update our character buffer to refer to that of the supplied ManagedString,
* and increase its reference count.
* @param s The ManagedString to copy.
* Example:
* @code
* ManagedString s("abcd");
* ManagedString p("efgh");
* p = s // p now points to s, s' ref is incremented
* @endcode
ManagedString& ManagedString::operator = (const ManagedString& s)
if(this == &s)
return *this;
if(--(*ref) == 0)
data = s.data;
ref = s.ref;
len = s.len;
return *this;
* Equality operation.
* Called when one ManagedString is tested to be equal to another using the '==' operator.
* @param s The ManagedString to test ourselves against.
* @return true if this ManagedString is identical to the one supplied, false otherwise.
* Example:
* @code
* ManagedString s("abcd");
* ManagedString p("efgh");
* if(p==s)
* print("We are the same!");
* else
* print("We are different!"); //p is not equal to s - this will be called
* @endcode
bool ManagedString::operator== (const ManagedString& s)
return ((len == s.len) && (memcmp(data,s.data,len)==0));
* Inequality operation.
* Called when one ManagedString is tested to be less than another using the '<' operator.
* @param s The ManagedString to test ourselves against.
* @return true if this ManagedString is alphabetically less than to the one supplied, false otherwise.
* Example:
* @code
* ManagedString s("a");
* ManagedString p("b");
* if(s<p)
* print("a is before b!"); //a is before b
* else
* print("b is before a!");
* @endcode
bool ManagedString::operator< (const ManagedString& s)
return (memcmp(data, s.data,min(len,s.len))<0);
* Inequality operation.
* Called when one ManagedString is tested to be greater than another using the '>' operator.
* @param s The ManagedString to test ourselves against.
* @return true if this ManagedString is alphabetically greater than to the one supplied, false otherwise.
* Example:
* @code
* ManagedString s("a");
* ManagedString p("b");
* if(p>a)
* print("b is after a!"); //b is after a
* else
* print("a is after b!");
* @endcode
bool ManagedString::operator> (const ManagedString& s)
return (memcmp(data, s.data,min(len,s.len))>0);
* Extracts a ManagedString from this string, at the position provided.
* @param start The index of the first character to extract, indexed from zero.
* @param length The number of characters to extract from the start position
* @return a ManagedString representing the requested substring.
* Example:
* @code
* ManagedString s("abcdefg");
* print(s.substring(0,2)) // prints "ab"
* @endcode
ManagedString ManagedString::substring(int16_t start, int16_t length)
// If the parameters are illegal, just return a reference to the empty string.
if (start >= len)
return ManagedString(ManagedString::EmptyString);
// Compute a safe copy length;
length = min(len-start, length);
// Build a ManagedString from this.
return ManagedString(data+start, length);
* Concatenates this string with the one provided.
* @param s The ManagedString to concatenate.
* @return a new ManagedString representing the joined strings.
* Example:
* @code
* ManagedString s("abcd");
* ManagedString p("efgh")
* print(s + p) // prints "abcdefgh"
* @endcode
ManagedString ManagedString::operator+ (ManagedString& s)
// If the other string is empty, nothing to do!
if(s.len == 0)
return *this;
if (len == 0)
return s;
if(s == ManagedString::EmptyString)
return *this;
if(*this == ManagedString::EmptyString)
return s;
return ManagedString(data, s.data);
* Provides a character value at a given position in the string, indexed from zero.
* @param index The position of the character to return.
* @return the character at posisiton index, zero if index is invalid.
* Example:
* @code
* ManagedString s("abcd");
* print(s.charAt(1)) // prints "b"
* @endcode
char ManagedString::charAt(int16_t index)
return (index >=0 && index < len) ? data[index] : 0;
* Provides an immutable 8 bit wide haracter buffer representing this string.
* @return a pointer to the charcter buffer.
const char *ManagedString::toCharArray()
return data;
* Determines the length of this ManagedString in characters.
* @return the length of the string in characters.
* Example:
* @code
* ManagedString s("abcd");
* print(s.length()) // prints "4"
* @endcode
int16_t ManagedString::length()
return len;
* Empty string constant literal
ManagedString ManagedString::EmptyString("\0");