#include "MicroBit.h" char MICROBIT_BLE_DEVICE_NAME[] = "BBC micro:bit [xxxxx]"; /** * custom function for panic for malloc & new due to scoping issue. */ void panic(int statusCode) { uBit.panic(statusCode); } /** * Perform a hard reset of the micro:bit. */ void microbit_reset() { NVIC_SystemReset(); } /** * Constructor. * Create a representation of a MicroBit device as a global singleton. * @param messageBus callback function to receive MicroBitMessageBus events. * * Exposed objects: * @code * uBit.systemTicker; //the Ticker callback that performs routines like updating the display. * uBit.MessageBus; //The message bus where events are fired. * uBit.display; //The display object for the LED matrix. * uBit.buttonA; //The buttonA object for button a. * uBit.buttonB; //The buttonB object for button b. * uBit.buttonAB; //The buttonAB object for button a+b multi press. * uBit.resetButton; //The resetButton used for soft resets. * uBit.accelerometer; //The object that represents the inbuilt accelerometer * uBit.compass; //The object that represents the inbuilt compass(magnetometer) * uBit.io.P*; //Where P* is P0 to P16, P19 & P20 on the edge connector * @endcode */ MicroBit::MicroBit() : flags(0x00), i2c(MICROBIT_PIN_SDA, MICROBIT_PIN_SCL), serial(USBTX, USBRX), MessageBus(), display(MICROBIT_ID_DISPLAY, MICROBIT_DISPLAY_WIDTH, MICROBIT_DISPLAY_HEIGHT), buttonA(MICROBIT_ID_BUTTON_A,MICROBIT_PIN_BUTTON_A, MICROBIT_BUTTON_SIMPLE_EVENTS), buttonB(MICROBIT_ID_BUTTON_B,MICROBIT_PIN_BUTTON_B, MICROBIT_BUTTON_SIMPLE_EVENTS), buttonAB(MICROBIT_ID_BUTTON_AB,MICROBIT_ID_BUTTON_A,MICROBIT_ID_BUTTON_B), accelerometer(MICROBIT_ID_ACCELEROMETER, MMA8653_DEFAULT_ADDR), compass(MICROBIT_ID_COMPASS, MAG3110_DEFAULT_ADDR), thermometer(MICROBIT_ID_THERMOMETER), io(MICROBIT_ID_IO_P0,MICROBIT_ID_IO_P1,MICROBIT_ID_IO_P2, MICROBIT_ID_IO_P3,MICROBIT_ID_IO_P4,MICROBIT_ID_IO_P5, MICROBIT_ID_IO_P6,MICROBIT_ID_IO_P7,MICROBIT_ID_IO_P8, MICROBIT_ID_IO_P9,MICROBIT_ID_IO_P10,MICROBIT_ID_IO_P11, MICROBIT_ID_IO_P12,MICROBIT_ID_IO_P13,MICROBIT_ID_IO_P14, MICROBIT_ID_IO_P15,MICROBIT_ID_IO_P16,MICROBIT_ID_IO_P19, MICROBIT_ID_IO_P20), bleManager() { } /** * Post constructor initialisation method. * After *MUCH* pain, it's noted that the BLE stack can't be brought up in a * static context, so we bring it up here rather than in the constructor. * n.b. This method *must* be called in main() or later, not before. * * Example: * @code * uBit.init(); * @endcode */ void MicroBit::init() { // Set the default baud rate for the serial port.` uBit.serial.baud(115200); //add the display to the systemComponent array addSystemComponent(&uBit.display); //add the compass and accelerometer to the idle array addIdleComponent(&uBit.accelerometer); addIdleComponent(&uBit.compass); addIdleComponent(&uBit.MessageBus); // Seed our random number generator seedRandom(); // Generate the name for our device. this->deriveName(); #if CONFIG_ENABLED(MICROBIT_BLE_ENABLED) // Start the BLE stack. bleManager.init(this->getName(), this->getSerial()); ble = bleManager.ble; #endif // Start refreshing the Matrix Display systemTicker.attach(this, &MicroBit::systemTick, MICROBIT_DISPLAY_REFRESH_PERIOD); } /** * Derives the friendly name for this device, autogenerated from our hardware Device ID. */ void MicroBit::deriveName() { const uint8_t codebook[MICROBIT_NAME_LENGTH][MICROBIT_NAME_CODE_LETTERS] = { {'z', 'v', 'g', 'p', 't'}, {'u', 'o', 'i', 'e', 'a'}, {'z', 'v', 'g', 'p', 't'}, {'u', 'o', 'i', 'e', 'a'}, {'z', 'v', 'g', 'p', 't'} }; char *name = MICROBIT_BLE_DEVICE_NAME+15; // We count right to left, so fast forward the pointer. name += MICROBIT_NAME_LENGTH; uint32_t n = NRF_FICR->DEVICEID[1]; int ld = 1; int d = MICROBIT_NAME_CODE_LETTERS; int h; for (int i=0; iDEVICEID[1] & 0xffff; int n2 = (NRF_FICR->DEVICEID[1] >> 16) & 0xffff; // Simply concat the two numbers. ManagedString s1 = ManagedString(n1); ManagedString s2 = ManagedString(n2); return s1+s2; } /** * Will reset the micro:bit when called. * * Example: * @code * uBit.reset(); * @endcode */ void MicroBit::reset() { microbit_reset(); } /** * Delay for the given amount of time. * If the scheduler is running, this will deschedule the current fiber and perform * a power efficent, concurrent sleep operation. * If the scheduler is disabled or we're running in an interrupt context, this * will revert to a busy wait. * * @note Values of below below the scheduling period (typical 6ms) tend to lose resolution. * * @param milliseconds the amount of time, in ms, to wait for. This number cannot be negative. * @return MICROBIT_OK on success, MICROBIT_INVALID_PARAMETER milliseconds is less than zero. * * Example: * @code * uBit.sleep(20); //sleep for 20ms * @endcode */ int MicroBit::sleep(int milliseconds) { //sanity check, we can't time travel... (yet?) if(milliseconds < 0) return MICROBIT_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (flags & MICROBIT_FLAG_SCHEDULER_RUNNING) fiber_sleep(milliseconds); else wait_ms(milliseconds); return MICROBIT_OK; } /** * Generate a random number in the given range. * We use a simple Galois LFSR random number generator here, * as a Galois LFSR is sufficient for our applications, and much more lightweight * than the hardware random number generator built int the processor, which takes * a long time and uses a lot of energy. * * KIDS: You shouldn't use this is the real world to generte cryptographic keys though... * have a think why not. :-) * * @param max the upper range to generate a number for. This number cannot be negative * @return A random, natural number between 0 and the max-1. Or MICROBIT_INVALID_VALUE (defined in ErrorNo.h) if max is <= 0. * * Example: * @code * uBit.random(200); //a number between 0 and 199 * @endcode */ int MicroBit::random(int max) { //return MICROBIT_INVALID_VALUE if max is <= 0... if(max <= 0) return MICROBIT_INVALID_PARAMETER; // Cycle the LFSR (Linear Feedback Shift Register). // We use an optimal sequence with a period of 2^32-1, as defined by Bruce Schneider here (a true legend in the field!), // For those interested, it's documented in his paper: // "Pseudo-Random Sequence Generator for 32-Bit CPUs: A fast, machine-independent generator for 32-bit Microprocessors" randomValue = ((((randomValue >> 31) ^ (randomValue >> 6) ^ (randomValue >> 4) ^ (randomValue >> 2) ^ (randomValue >> 1) ^ randomValue) & 0x0000001) << 31 ) | (randomValue >> 1); return randomValue % max; } /** * Seed our a random number generator (RNG). * We use the NRF51822 in built cryptographic random number generator to seed a Galois LFSR. * We do this as the hardware RNG is relatively high power, and use the the BLE stack internally, * with a less than optimal application interface. A Galois LFSR is sufficient for our * applications, and much more lightweight. */ void MicroBit::seedRandom() { randomValue = 0; // Start the Random number generator. No need to leave it running... I hope. :-) NRF_RNG->TASKS_START = 1; for(int i = 0; i < 4 ;i++) { // Clear the VALRDY EVENT NRF_RNG->EVENTS_VALRDY = 0; // Wait for a number ot be generated. while ( NRF_RNG->EVENTS_VALRDY == 0); randomValue = (randomValue << 8) | ((int) NRF_RNG->VALUE); } // Disable the generator to save power. NRF_RNG->TASKS_STOP = 1; } /** * Periodic callback. Used by MicroBitDisplay, FiberScheduler and buttons. */ void MicroBit::systemTick() { // Scheduler callback. We do this here just as a single timer is more efficient. :-) if (uBit.flags & MICROBIT_FLAG_SCHEDULER_RUNNING) scheduler_tick(); //work out if any idle components need processing, if so prioritise the idle thread for(int i = 0; i < MICROBIT_IDLE_COMPONENTS; i++) if(idleThreadComponents[i] != NULL && idleThreadComponents[i]->isIdleCallbackNeeded()) { fiber_flags |= MICROBIT_FLAG_DATA_READY; break; } //update any components in the systemComponents array for(int i = 0; i < MICROBIT_SYSTEM_COMPONENTS; i++) if(systemTickComponents[i] != NULL) systemTickComponents[i]->systemTick(); } /** * System tasks to be executed by the idle thread when the Micro:Bit isn't busy or when data needs to be read. */ void MicroBit::systemTasks() { //call the idleTick member function indiscriminately for(int i = 0; i < MICROBIT_IDLE_COMPONENTS; i++) if(idleThreadComponents[i] != NULL) idleThreadComponents[i]->idleTick(); fiber_flags &= ~MICROBIT_FLAG_DATA_READY; } /** * add a component to the array of components which invocate the systemTick member function during a systemTick * @param component The component to add. * @return MICROBIT_OK on success. MICROBIT_NO_RESOURCES is returned if further components cannot be supported. * @note this will be converted into a dynamic list of components */ int MicroBit::addSystemComponent(MicroBitComponent *component) { int i = 0; while(systemTickComponents[i] != NULL && i < MICROBIT_SYSTEM_COMPONENTS) i++; if(i == MICROBIT_SYSTEM_COMPONENTS) return MICROBIT_NO_RESOURCES; systemTickComponents[i] = component; return MICROBIT_OK; } /** * remove a component from the array of components * @param component The component to remove. * @return MICROBIT_OK on success. MICROBIT_INVALID_PARAMTER is returned if the given component has not been previous added. * @note this will be converted into a dynamic list of components */ int MicroBit::removeSystemComponent(MicroBitComponent *component) { int i = 0; while(systemTickComponents[i] != component && i < MICROBIT_SYSTEM_COMPONENTS) i++; if(i == MICROBIT_SYSTEM_COMPONENTS) return MICROBIT_INVALID_PARAMETER; systemTickComponents[i] = NULL; return MICROBIT_OK; } /** * add a component to the array of components which invocate the systemTick member function during a systemTick * @param component The component to add. * @return MICROBIT_OK on success. MICROBIT_NO_RESOURCES is returned if further components cannot be supported. * @note this will be converted into a dynamic list of components */ int MicroBit::addIdleComponent(MicroBitComponent *component) { int i = 0; while(idleThreadComponents[i] != NULL && i < MICROBIT_IDLE_COMPONENTS) i++; if(i == MICROBIT_IDLE_COMPONENTS) return MICROBIT_NO_RESOURCES; idleThreadComponents[i] = component; return MICROBIT_OK; } /** * remove a component from the array of components * @param component The component to remove. * @return MICROBIT_OK on success. MICROBIT_INVALID_PARAMTER is returned if the given component has not been previous added. * @note this will be converted into a dynamic list of components */ int MicroBit::removeIdleComponent(MicroBitComponent *component) { int i = 0; while(idleThreadComponents[i] != component && i < MICROBIT_IDLE_COMPONENTS) i++; if(i == MICROBIT_IDLE_COMPONENTS) return MICROBIT_INVALID_PARAMETER; idleThreadComponents[i] = NULL; return MICROBIT_OK; } /** * Determine the time since this MicroBit was last reset. * * @return The time since the last reset, in milliseconds. This will result in overflow after 1.6 months. * TODO: handle overflow case. */ unsigned long MicroBit::systemTime() { return ticks; } /** * Determine the version of the micro:bit runtime currently in use. * * @return A textual description of the currentlt executing micro:bit runtime. * TODO: handle overflow case. */ const char *MicroBit::systemVersion() { return MICROBIT_DAL_VERSION; } /** * Triggers a microbit panic where an infinite loop will occur swapping between the panicFace and statusCode if provided. * * @param statusCode the status code of the associated error. Status codes must be in the range 0-255. */ void MicroBit::panic(int statusCode) { //show error and enter infinite while uBit.display.error(statusCode); }